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创建时间:  2017/03/10  王瑶   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目:基于阴离子纳米空间的无机功能材料(New functions and inorganic materials based on anionic nanospaces)

报告人:Pro. Hiroshi Kageyama (Department of Energy and Hydrocarbon Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University)

时 间:2017年3月13日 14:30

地 点:校本部乐乎新楼2楼大学厅

主 办:必威betway西汉姆联

Hiroshi Kageyama为日本京都大学教授。他和他的团队致力于无机功能材料的设计、合成研究。制备的新型材料应用于环境、催化、能源存储/转换以及其他相关感兴趣的领域。

Presentation Outline:
Viewing the occupancy sites of anions (or small molecules and noble gas atoms) within inorganic materials as anionic nanospaces, we will manipulate these light element species and create new materials. New chemical and physical properties such as catalytic activity and ferroelectricity can be induced using the different orbital levels and polarizabilities of the anionic species.




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