Dou Qingqing







上海市高层次海外引进人才。2012年博士毕业于新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore),2023年加入必威betway西汉姆联。学术成果包括发表了SCI论文30篇,5篇高被引,总引用量2759次;申请发明专利7项,商业机密3项,其中6件都已转化成产品,投放市场销售,所研发的产品在售的有10余种;海外工作时主持过一项30万新币(折合150万人民币)的国家级基金。主要研究方向是荧光材料在生物检测以及疾病诊疗方面的开发与应用。


1. Q. Dou, Y. Zhang*. Tuning of the Structure and Emission Spectra of Upconversion Nanocrystals by Alkali Ion Doping. Langmuir. 2011, 27, 13236.

2. Q. Dou, N. M. Idris, Y. Zhang*. Sandwich-structured upconversion nanoparticles with tunable color for multiplexed cell labeling. Biomaterials. 2013, 34, 1722-1731.

3. Q. Dou, S. S. Liow, E. Ye, Rajamani L, X. J. Loh*. Biodegradable thermogelling polymers: working towards clinical applications. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2014, 3, 977-988.

4. Q. Dou, A. Rangaramchandran, S. T. Selvan*, R. Paulmurugan , Y. Zhang*. Core- shell upconversion nanoparticle- semiconductor heterostructures for photodynamic therapy. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 8252.

5. Q. Dou, C. P. Teng, E. Ye, X. J. Loh*. Effective NIR Photodynamic Therapy Assisted by Upconversion Nanoparticles Conjugated with Photosensitizer. International Journal of Nanomedicine. 2015, 10, 419–432.

6. Q. Dou, L Jiang, D Kai, C Owh, X. J. Loh*, Bioimaging and biodetection assisted with TTA-UC materials. Drug Discovery Today. 2017. 22, 1400-1411.

7. Q. Dou, X. Fang, S. Jiang, P. L. Chee, T-C Lee, X. J. Loh*, Multi-functional fluorescent carbon dots with antibacterial and gene delivery properties, RSC Adv., 2015,5, 46817-46822.

8. Q. Dou, S. S. Liow, W Weng, X. J. Loh*. Dual-responsive Reversible Photo/Thermogelling Polymers Exhibiting High Modulus Change. Journal of Polymer Science Part A-Polymer Chemistry. 封面, 2016, 54, 2837–2844.

9.Q. Dou, A. A. Karim, X. J. Loh*. Modification of Thermal and Mechanical Properties of PEG-PPG-PEG Copolymer (F127) with MA-POSS. Polymers. 2016, 8 (9), 341.

10. Q. Dou, K Z W Low, K Y Zhang, X. J. Loh*, A New Light Triggered Approach to Develop a Micro Porous Tough Hydrogel, RSC Adv., 7 (44), 27449-27453.

11. SS Liow, Q Dou, D Kai, Z Li, S Sugiarto, CYY Yu, RTK Kwok, X Chen, YL Wu, ST Ong, A Kizhakeyil, NK Verma, BZ Tang, XJ Loh*. Long‐Term Real‐Time In Vivo Drug Release Monitoring with AIE Thermogelling Polymer. Small 13 (7), DOI: 10.1002/smll.201603404.

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