2018.08 美国辛辛那提大学环境工程博士
2010.05 美国卡内基梅隆大学环境工程硕士
2009.07 清华大学环境工程本科
2021.03-至今 必威betway西汉姆联,副研究员
2019.11-2020.12 美国环境保护署(USEPA/Pegasus),科研人员(Scientist)
2018.11-2019.10 美国辛辛那提大学必威betway西汉姆联,博士后
2011.01-2013.01 Chemical Engineering Journal (IF=13.273),编辑助理
1. UV/Sodium percarbonate for bisphenol A treatment in water: Impact of water quality parameters on the formation of reactive radicals. Water Research. 219 (2022), 118457.
2. Cyanotoxin-encoding genes as powerful predictors of cyanotoxin production during harmful cyanobacterial blooms in an inland freshwater lake: Evaluating a novel early-warning system. Science of The Total Environment. 830 (2022), 154568.
3. Comparative toxicity reduction potential of UV/sodium percarbonate and UV/hydrogen peroxide treatments for bisphenol A in water: An integrated analysis using chemical, computational, biological, and metabolomic approaches. Water Research. 190(2021), 116755.
4. Limitations and prospects of sulfate-radical based advanced oxidation processes. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 8 (4) (2020), 103849.
5. Degradation of Bisphenol A in UV/Sodium Percarbonate system: Dual Role of Carbonate Radical Anion. Water Research. 171 (2020), 115394.
6. Susceptibility of atrazine photo-degradation in the presence of nitrate: Impact of wavelengths and significant role of reactive nitrogen species. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 388 (2020), 121760.
7. Efficient degradation of bisphenol A in water by heterogeneous activation of peroxymonosulfate using highly active cobalt ferrite nanoparticles. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 399 (2020), 122979.
8. Susceptibility of the Algal Toxin Microcystin-LR to UV/Chlorine Process: Comparison with Chlorination. Environmental Science & Technology, 52 (15) (2018) 8252-8262.
9. Decomposition of Iodinated Pharmaceuticals by UV-254 nm-assisted Advanced Oxidation Processes. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 323 (2017), 489-499.
(1) 2020年入选上海市高层次人才计划
(2) 2018年获美国化学学会环境化学优秀研究生奖
(3) 2016年获美国水业协会Ohio优秀研究生论文奖
(4) 2016年获美国化学学会环境化学优秀研究生论文奖
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