






必威西汉姆官网平台纳米化学与生物学研究所教授,博士生导师,中国毒理学会纳米毒理学专业委员会常务委员,国际期刊Nanomedicine编委,Journal of Applied Toxicology顾问编委。2002年开始从事纳米材料的化学修饰、生物效应及应用研究。作为负责人和主要成员,先后参加了自然科学基金的重大、重点和面上项目,以及科技部973计划项目课题的研究工作。2012年和2018年获得国家自然科学奖二等奖 (排名分别为第三和第五)。在SCI期刊上包括Acc Chem Res, PNAS, Angew Chem Int Ed, J Am Chem Soc, Small发表论文160余篇,SCI引用17000余次。





1996/04-1997/04,日本理化学研究所 (RIKEN),访问学者










[1] W-S Xi, J-B Li, X-R Tang, S-Y Tan, A Cao, Y Liu, H Wang*. Cytotoxicity and RNA-sequencing analysis of macrophages after exposure to vanadium dioxide nanoparticles. Environ Sci: Nano 2022, 9, 4524–4539.

[2] Y-Y Liu, Z-X Sun, J Liu, Q Zhang, Y Liu, A Cao, Y-P Sun*, H Wang*. On Cellular Uptake and Exocytosis of Carbon Dots: Significant Cell Type Dependence and Effects of Cell Division. ACS Appl Bio Mater 2022, 5(9), 4378–4389.

[3] Y-Y Liu, Q Chang, Z-X Sun, J Liu, X Deng, Y Liu, A Cao*, H Wang*. Fate of CdSe/ZnS quantum dots in cells: Endocytosis, translocation and exocytosis. Colloids Surf B: Biointerfaces 2021, 208, 112140.

[4] J-B Li, W-S Xi, S-Y Tan, Y-Y Liu, H Wu, Y Liu, A Cao*, H Wang*. Effects of VO2 nanoparticles on human liver HepG2 cells: Cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, and glucose and lipid metabolism disorders. NanoImpact 2021, 24, 100351.

[5] W-S Xi, J-B Li, Y-Y Liu, H Wu, A Cao*, H Wang*. Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of low-dose vanadium dioxide nanoparticles to lung cells following long-term exposure. Toxicology 2021, 459, 152859.

[6] L Li, W-S Xi, Q Su, Y Li, G-H Yan, Y Liu, H Wang*, A Cao*. Unexpected size effect: the interplay between different-sized nanoparticles in their cellular uptake. Small 2019, 1901687.

[7] W-S Xi, Z-M Song, Z Chen, G-H Yan, Y Gao, A Cao*, Y Liu, H Wang*. Short-term and long-term toxicological effects of vanadium dioxide nanoparticles on A549. Environ Sci: Nano 2019, 6, 565–579.

[8] G-H Yan, K Wang, Z Shao, L Luo, Z-M Song, J Chen, R Jin, X Deng, H Wang*, Z Cao, Y Liu, A Cao*. Artificial antibody created by conformational reconstruction of the complementary-determining region on gold nanoparticles. Proc Natl Acad Sci, USA 2018, 115, E34–E43.

[9] H Wang*, S-T Yang, A Cao, Y Liu*. Quantification of carbon nanomaterials in vivo. Acc Chem Res 2013, 46, 750–760.

[10] X-X Chen, B Cheng, Y-X Yang, A Cao, J-H Liu, L-J Du, Y Liu, Y Zhao*, H Wang*. Characterization and preliminary toxicity assay of nano-titanium dioxide additive in sugar-coated chewing gum. Small 2013, 9, 1765–1774.








国家自然科学二等奖 (排名第五),2018

上海市自然科学一等奖 (排名第四),2015

国家自然科学二等奖 (排名第三),2012

北京市科学技术奖二等奖 (排名第四),2008





Haifang Wang


Institute of Nanochemistry and Nanobiology

Room 401B, E Building

86-21-66138026 (TEL)

86-21-66135275 (FAX)

hwang@shu.edu.cn (e-mail)

Education Background:

1987-1991 BS, Department of Physics II, Fudan University

1991-1994 MS, Department of Physics II, Fudan University

2000-2004 PhD, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University

Academic Background:

1994-2001 Assistant, Lecturer, Department of Technical Physics, Peking University

1996-1997 Visiting Scholar, Research Institute of Physics and Chemistry (RIKEN), Japan

2001-2008 Associate Professor, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University

2005-2006 Research Scholar, Department of Chemistry, Clemson University, USA

2009- Professor, Institute of Nanochemistry and Nanobiology, Shanghai University

Research Field:

Bioeffects and toxicity of nanomaterials

Bioappliations of nanomaterials

Environmental applications of nanomaterials

Selected Publication:

[1] W-S Xi, J-B Li, X-R Tang, S-Y Tan, A Cao, Y Liu, H Wang*. Cytotoxicity and RNA-sequencing analysis of macrophages after exposure to vanadium dioxide nanoparticles. Environ Sci: Nano 2022, 9, 4524–4539.

[2] Y-Y Liu, Z-X Sun, J Liu, Q Zhang, Y Liu, A Cao, Y-P Sun*, H Wang*. On Cellular Uptake and Exocytosis of Carbon Dots: Significant Cell Type Dependence and Effects of Cell Division. ACS Appl Bio Mater 2022, 5(9), 4378–4389.

[3] Y-Y Liu, Q Chang, Z-X Sun, J Liu, X Deng, Y Liu, A Cao*, H Wang*. Fate of CdSe/ZnS quantum dots in cells: Endocytosis, translocation and exocytosis. Colloids Surf B: Biointerfaces 2021, 208, 112140.

[4] J-B Li, W-S Xi, S-Y Tan, Y-Y Liu, H Wu, Y Liu, A Cao*, H Wang*. Effects of VO2 nanoparticles on human liver HepG2 cells: Cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, and glucose and lipid metabolism disorders. NanoImpact 2021, 24, 100351.

[5] W-S Xi, J-B Li, Y-Y Liu, H Wu, A Cao*, H Wang*. Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of low-dose vanadium dioxide nanoparticles to lung cells following long-term exposure. Toxicology 2021, 459, 152859.

[6] L Li, W-S Xi, Q Su, Y Li, G-H Yan, Y Liu, H Wang*, A Cao*. Unexpected size effect: the interplay between different-sized nanoparticles in their cellular uptake. Small 2019, 1901687.

[7] W-S Xi, Z-M Song, Z Chen, G-H Yan, Y Gao, A Cao*, Y Liu, H Wang*. Short-term and long-term toxicological effects of vanadium dioxide nanoparticles on A549. Environ Sci: Nano 2019, 6, 565–579.

[8] G-H Yan, K Wang, Z Shao, L Luo, Z-M Song, J Chen, R Jin, X Deng, H Wang*, Z Cao, Y Liu, A Cao*. Artificial antibody created by conformational reconstruction of the complementary-determining region on gold nanoparticles. Proc Natl Acad Sci, USA 2018, 115, E34–E43.

[9] H Wang*, S-T Yang, A Cao, Y Liu*. Quantification of carbon nanomaterials in vivo. Acc Chem Res 2013, 46, 750–760.

[10] X-X Chen, B Cheng, Y-X Yang, A Cao, J-H Liu, L-J Du, Y Liu, Y Zhao*, H Wang*. Characterization and preliminary toxicity assay of nano-titanium dioxide additive in sugar-coated chewing gum. Small 2013, 9, 1765–1774.

Research Projects:

1. National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program)

2. National Natural Science Foundation of China

3. Key Project of Chinese Ministry of Education

4. Key Project of Shanghai Municipal Education Committee

Honors and Awards:

National Natural Science Award (2nd prize, 5th awardee), China, 2018

Shanghai Natural Science Award (1st prize, 4th awardee), Shanghai, 2015

National Natural Science Award (2nd prize, 3rd awardee), China, 2012

Scientific and Technological Award (2nd prize, 4th awardee), Beijing, 2008


Science Behind News (for undergraduate students)

Advanced Instrumental Analysis (for Graduate Students)

Scientific Ethics and Academic Norms (for PhD Students)

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